
Primary Creator
Director Lasse Hallstrom
Screenwriter Robert Nelson Jacobs
Actor Juliette Binoche
Actor Johnny Depp
Actor Judi Dench
Actor Alfred Molina
Duration122 minutes
Name of WorkChocolat
Production Date2000
Production Location

Current Location

General Notes


A woman and her daughter arrives in a tight-knit town somewhere in Europe. She is a free spirit and is in conflict with the conservative mores of the town leaders and elders. Her opening of a chocolate shop signifies the pleasures of the flesh, which conflicts with the puritanical impulses of the the town leaders. Conflict ensues between libertine and repressors, with "living a free life" winning out.


Follow your dream and disregard convention.

Emotional Sum or Sense-of-life

Pleasure is good; religion and conventional thinking is bad.

Context Information

Some of the scenes are composite special effects even though they look like some lovely European countryside.
