Title Creator Date Era City Country Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Attila (live performance) Composer: Verdi, Giuseppe 2010 03 03 1851-1900 Life is a mix of strength, heroism, romantic passion.

The work is a long complex opera, so it has many other lyrical emotions as part of it, but this covers the basic sense of life.

Loving a heroic woman leads to death

Ebben? Ne andrĂ² lontana (aria from La Wally) Composer: Catalani, Alfredo 1892 1851-1900 United States

Longing is the overall emotional tone of the music. The lyric gives reason to this overall tone.

Sadness at having to leave forever the place where you were happy once.

Ebben? Ne andrĂ² lontana (aria from La Wally) Composer: Catalani, Alfredo 1892 1851-1900 United States

Longing is the overall emotional tone of the music. The lyric gives reason to this overall tone.

Sadness at having to leave forever the place where you were happy once.

Merry Widow (Die Lustige Witwe) Composer: Lehar, Franz 1905 1900s Love brings gaiety and joy to life.

Love can be gay and tender, solemn and lighthearted, painful and joyous.