Title Creator Date Era City Country Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Staircase Group (aka Portrait of Raphaelle Peale and Titian Ramsay Peale) Painter: Peale, Charles Wilson 1795 Perceiving accurately is important and playing with the artistic medium is fun.
Blue Phoenix Painter: Koyo Omura 1921 1900s A pleasing and lush, possibly claustrophobic, world.
Day at the Beach Painter: Leyendecker, J.C. 1932 1900s Fun and cuteness.
Wisdom and Strength Painter: Veronese, Paolo 1580c 1500s Sumptuousness is good, and the human form is good.
Feast of Belshazzar Painter: Van Rijn, Rembrandt 1635c. 1600s The only way to know the sense of life or world view of the painting is through it's history, since the image is very mixed. Shows an opulent and sumptuous world, but the people are obviously distressed over something. Assuming one knows its history, you could conclude it is an exercise in depicting the dangers of the worldly pursuits and wealth.
Crane Under the Rain Ohara, Shoson 1928 1900s Life is difficult.
Senso-ju Temple at Asakusa Hiroshige 1840s c 1800s Pure, simple, quiet tranquility.