Creator Title Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Painter: Dewing, Thomas Wilmer Comedia Life is sumptuous and beautiful and alive.

Feminine vivacity and gaiety

Director: Hudson, Hugh Chariots of Fire A complete feeling of openness of the world to greatness of your own choosing.

Life is achievement.

Sculptor: Tuby, Jean Baptiste (1630-1700) Chariot of Apollo The world has thrilling powerful men of action.  There are no limits to what can be achieved.

Elegant, physical power.&nbsp; The fantasy ability to fly through water and air with grace and ease.<br>

Alexander, John Trees A sense of the world as dynamic and strong.

Nature is wild and dynamic.

Director: Powell, Dick Enemy Below, The War is deadly and destructive for all parties.
Singing Group: Soviet Army Chorus and Band Sports March Happiness triumphs.

The power of joy to motivate action.

Screenwriter: Chopra Vidhu Vinod 3 Idiots Life can be fun and productive and exciting. As is true in some other Bollywood features, this story and the ideas behind it about pursuing the good life, has an honesty and clarity and benevolence that is not part of the U.S. movie scene.

Be what you want to be; follow your passion in life

Biviel Design Biviel Shoe BV2773 Feeling: texture and line create a sense of elegance and beauty.
Designer: Fortuny, Mariano Green fabric Still produced by the Fortuny fabric company.
Creator: Nix, Matt Burn Notice Anything can be done if you are smart and motivated enough.
Director: Parker, Alan Fame Life is hard, but you can succeed, and it is worth it and exhilarating.

Go after your heart's desire.

Creator: Weiner, Matthew Mad Men Men must sell their souls in order to live, and they are chauvinist pigs to boot. And women are sluts. Dark.
Painter: Ghirlandaio, Domenico Old Man with a Young Boy Human companionship or family closeness is real.

Quiet familial love. (A grandfather (perhaps) gazing upon a grandson, and vice versa, in a clear moment of happy communion.)

Designer: Anonymous Confectionary Basket from Japan, Fukui region Life can be dynamic and purposeful and intriguing -- because of the dynamic form and economy of materials and diagonal symmetry of the composition.
Designer: Unknown Rose Window - La Sainte-Chapelle (aka The Holy Chapel The world is open and bright and colorful and gay.
Sculptor: unknown Niobe Human action is beautiful.

Life is movement.