Title Creator Date Era City Country Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
City Island De Felitta, Raymond 2009 1991-2010 United States Anxiety and pain from all the lies and mistaken motives. Catharsis from the climax, leading to feelings of wanting to be truthful in life!

Lying is not the way to live.

Greystoke Director: Hudson, Hugh 1984 1971-1990 United States Life is Loss -- life is grim and culture is grim and the jungle is grim. All is grim.

The other important feature of the film emotionally is that Tarzan has been crippled by his circumstances of being brought up in the jungle -- he cannot live as a man, so the great tragedy of the story is that he has to return to the jungle, which is below primitive -- it is an isolated hell in which death is at every corner, and at best the companionship of apes. Given that the story partly portrays civilized men as brutes who relish killing animals, perhaps the emotional intent is to make the choice to return to the jungle as positive, but for this reviewer it is unutterably tragic and ugly.

Loss, Loss, Loss. Man as metaphysically alien from human culture.

Wall Street Director: Stone, Oliver 1987 1971-1990 United States

There are bad people in power who use ordinary people as pawns in their endless pursuit of money.  Those who are not ruthless are sheep to be slaughtered by the rich and powerful.  Greed is bad.

The Taste of Things Director: Tran, Anh Hung 2024 2011-2030

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tentative: the ideal world of physical creation of food shared by soulmates.