Creator Title Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Composer: Warren and Dubin Boulevard of Broken Dreams Weariness & Sadness

Life is loss of dreams and sadness

Director: Parker, Alan Fame Life is hard, but you can succeed, and it is worth it and exhilarating.

Go after your heart's desire.

Sculptor: Buonarotti, Michelangelo Pieta Resignation in the face of tragedy.

Recognition and acceptance of a great personal loss.

Director: Hallstrom, Lasse Chocolat Pleasure is good; religion and conventional thinking is bad.

Follow your dream and disregard convention.

Director: Herskovitz, Marshall Dangerous Beauty The world is a horrible split of conventional marital morality vs. honest but promiscuous morality. The way to live requires one sacrifice one's body for one's soul.

1. The importance of accepting your own rules for living, your own morality.
2. The grim metaphysical conflict for a Venetian woman of being a slave to a husband or a free woman requiring sexual work.

Playwright: Shakespeare, William Much Ado About Nothing Sweetness and light and beauty are what the world is made of.
Painter: Mondrian, Piet Composition with Red Yellow Blue and Black [Seems mute]
Director: Gauger, Stephane Owl and the Sparrow A child shows sweetness and strength and determination.

Searching for family, for soulmates.

Composer: Coward, Noel I'll See You Again Life is bittersweet

Sweet memories of love last forever

Director: Powell, Dick Enemy Below, The War is deadly and destructive for all parties.
Painter: Van Rijn, Rembrandt Feast of Belshazzar The only way to know the sense of life or world view of the painting is through it's history, since the image is very mixed. Shows an opulent and sumptuous world, but the people are obviously distressed over something. Assuming one knows its history, you could conclude it is an exercise in depicting the dangers of the worldly pursuits and wealth.
Director: Hudson, Hugh Greystoke Life is Loss -- life is grim and culture is grim and the jungle is grim. All is grim.

The other important feature of the film emotionally is that Tarzan has been crippled by his circumstances of being brought up in the jungle -- he cannot live as a man, so the great tragedy of the story is that he has to return to the jungle, which is below primitive -- it is an isolated hell in which death is at every corner, and at best the companionship of apes. Given that the story partly portrays civilized men as brutes who relish killing animals, perhaps the emotional intent is to make the choice to return to the jungle as positive, but for this reviewer it is unutterably tragic and ugly.

Loss, Loss, Loss. Man as metaphysically alien from human culture.

Director: Benigni, Roberto Monster, The Just laughter and more of the same.
Designer: Tiffany, Louis Comfort Spider Web Narcissi Table Lamp Richness of form, sumptuous shapes.
Director: Reiner, Rob American President Romance is fun, funny and important.
Composer: Handman, Lou Are You Lonesome Tonight? Sensuality and bitterness

The remembrance of past love.

Composer: Lehar, Franz Merry Widow (Die Lustige Witwe) Love brings gaiety and joy to life.

Love can be gay and tender, solemn and lighthearted, painful and joyous.

Singing Group: Soviet Army Chorus and Band Sports March Happiness triumphs.

The power of joy to motivate action.

Dancers: Torvill and Dean Flying Fish A heightened sense that Life is fantastically unbounded by daily cares. Life is imbued with unlimited potential and ease of movement.

Life is light and fluid.

Designer: Eiffel, Gustave Eiffel Tower The works of Man are thrilling.
Myron? Riace Bronze A Man is strong and indomitable

Intelligence, Pride, Strength = Man

Painter: Hosner, William Her Face to the Wind One gets the feeling that the young woman is able to stand strong in the world, with panache and beauty all at once.

Facing life in a fresh, strong, vivacious way.

Sculptor: unknown Niobe Human action is beautiful.

Life is movement.

Miron - Parish Tzena Tzena Tzena Joyous celebration

Joyous celebration

Author: Lazarus, Emma The New Colossus Benevolent celebration of liberty as a beacon to a troubled world.

A marvelous land of liberty offers welcome to the oppressed of the world.