Creator Title Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Screenwriter: Coward, Noel Brief Encounter Passionate love. Tragic choices.

High romance is possible. Such love is unlikely to survive.
This film manages to embrace two contradictory themes, leading to a major bittersweet outcome.

Alexander, John Trees A sense of the world as dynamic and strong.

Nature is wild and dynamic.

Director: Caton-Jones, Michael Rob Roy Life is a struggle. The life you make for yourself can be difficult, but living it with strength and morality is the way to live. Happiness is possible in romance.

Heroism in everyday life leads to heroism writ large. A man works hard to lead his life and those of his extended clan in an honorable, productive, honest way. This is the everyday heroism. But dishonorable, evil men seek to steal from him and ruin him. This leads to a life of larger-than-life heroism to vanquish his mortal, and stronger enemies.

Painter: Mondrian, Piet Composition with Red Yellow Blue and Black [Seems mute]
Director: McTiernan, John Die Hard The way to beat evil is to give no quarter, no compromise. Life is hard, but fighting for the right is rewarded.

Giving up in life is not an option.

Sculptor: Tuby, Jean Baptiste (1630-1700) Chariot of Apollo The world has thrilling powerful men of action.  There are no limits to what can be achieved.

Elegant, physical power.&nbsp; The fantasy ability to fly through water and air with grace and ease.<br>

Rand, Ayn Anthem

The book starts out psychologically dark and disorienting because of the protagonist struggling with the radically collectivist world he was born into.  But what shows even in the early pages, and grows to the climax is the triumphant struggle of a rare few who break free of the yoke of total mind control and become free to live a life as a conceptual human and rediscover what it means to be an individual.  Thrilling and emotionally satisfying (unless the reader is a committed determinist.)

Ego and using one's individual mind is the core of being human.

Playwright: Shakespeare, William Much Ado About Nothing Sweetness and light and beauty are what the world is made of.
Director: Kurosawa, Akira Rashomon The world is terrible and full of disasters and mankind is awful and pathetic.

Objectivity is a myth -- everyone sees a different reality, a different "story".

Painter: Tito, Ettore La Gomena (Towing a Boat) There is great effort in life, and a woman can be the master of it.
This painting is a curious combination of romantic heroism and 19th century genre naturalism. It has a visual dynamism and dramatic content that is strongly romantic, yet the subject is the prosaic task of pulling a boat out of the water.

The will and the power of a woman. Implacable determination.

Director: Korda Alexander Rembrandt Life is hard as an independent spirit, and wealth will elude you, but you will be happy, after a fashion.
Director: Zinnemann, Fred High Noon There is palpable evil in the world. There is heroism in the face of evil in the world. The movie is full of fear and foreboding and betrayal.

Civil Society is the ideal, and worth fighting for. Doing what is right is the right way to live. Don't let the evil bastards win. The theme is expressed repeatedly in the movie via the contrast of the Marshall who grimly faces the need to do what he lives for, despite the death facing him, vs. the mealy mouthed town folk, many of which who won't fight for their civil society, and vs. the deputy marshall who portrays the sellout who will give into evil force in order to "get along".

White, James Terry Hyacinths to feed thy soul Hopeful. Even in poverty one can have beauty.

Beauty is a form of sustenance

Designer: Fortuny, Mariano Green fabric Still produced by the Fortuny fabric company.
Director: Gauger, Stephane Owl and the Sparrow A child shows sweetness and strength and determination.

Searching for family, for soulmates.

Author: Webster, Henry Kitchell King in Khaki, A Honesty is a noble and practical way of life.

Business acumen produces both material wealth and moral right.

The success of the entrepreneur in this story, along with his relation to all his staff and secondary and tertiary folks on the island who work for him -- makes him into a "king" based on important human relations and the rightness of his decisions that result in a successful business enterprise.

A subsidiary theme might be termed the power of morality over physical power or economic "power".

Creator: Nix, Matt Burn Notice Anything can be done if you are smart and motivated enough.
Creator: Weiner, Matthew Mad Men Men must sell their souls in order to live, and they are chauvinist pigs to boot. And women are sluts. Dark.
Author: Lazarus, Emma The New Colossus Benevolent celebration of liberty as a beacon to a troubled world.

A marvelous land of liberty offers welcome to the oppressed of the world.

Designer: Rouff, Maggy Helene Arpels Dress Elegance and richness of detail
Director: Canet, Guillaume Tell No One (aka Ne le dis à personne) Life is sad, and controlled by mysterious corruption.
Author: Rand, Ayn Atlas Shrugged Life can be good; Men are competent to live happily; The world can be a shining, happy place to exist, if one is free. But novel also presents a dark, dystopian world to help make real that positive view.

The crucial value of the human mind.

Schaefer, Taf Lebel Octopus Playful.
Dancers: Torvill and Dean Flying Fish A heightened sense that Life is fantastically unbounded by daily cares. Life is imbued with unlimited potential and ease of movement.

Life is light and fluid.

Designer: Ferrari, Enzo Ferrari Dino 246 GT The world is a place of speed and elegance.