Title Creator Date Era City Country Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Rob Roy Director: Caton-Jones, Michael 1995 1991-2010 Life is a struggle. The life you make for yourself can be difficult, but living it with strength and morality is the way to live. Happiness is possible in romance.

Heroism in everyday life leads to heroism writ large. A man works hard to lead his life and those of his extended clan in an honorable, productive, honest way. This is the everyday heroism. But dishonorable, evil men seek to steal from him and ruin him. This leads to a life of larger-than-life heroism to vanquish his mortal, and stronger enemies.

Riace Bronze A Myron? c.460 BCE 500 BCE - 1 CE Reggio Calabria Italy Man is strong and indomitable

Intelligence, Pride, Strength = Man

Repose Painter: Alexander, John White 1895 1900s New York United States Life is extravagant and lush and sensual.

Feminine Sensuality is a main theme, though one can argue that a related (equal theme or sub-theme) is: The Lushness of the Material World. The dramatic draped womanly figure pressing against a divan, whose figure is clearly oulined, shares the visual dominance of the painting along with the magnificent sweeps of her dress and the giant pillows, the massive backrest, and even the strong elements of the floor material and the golden back wall. All together a remarkable composition.

Rembrandt Director: Korda Alexander 1936 pre-1910 Life is hard as an independent spirit, and wealth will elude you, but you will be happy, after a fashion.
Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo (Royal Church of St. Lawrence) Architect: Guarini, Guarino 1680 1600s United States The world is perfected. The joy of seeing complexity that is simplicity, i.e., that the rich complex vision arises from simple elements which because of their arrangement provide layers of visual thrills.

Complex, soaring geometric order.

Real Adventure, The Author: Webster, Henry Kitchell 1915 Life is wonderful as long as you realize that life has to be earned the hard way.

Creating your *self* is the only way to live.

Rashomon Director: Kurosawa, Akira 1950 1931-1950 The world is terrible and full of disasters and mankind is awful and pathetic.

Objectivity is a myth -- everyone sees a different reality, a different "story".

Rape of Polyxena, The Sculptor: Fedi, Pio 1866 1800s United States Strength and complex beauty are central.
Vitality, passion and action are hallmarks of this work.

Life is complex strife, entwined with strong god-like characters.

Psyche Author: Young, Phyllis Brett 1959 Optimistic, Hopeful, even under terrible circumstances.

We are beings of self-made soul<br>

Pirelli Calendar Diver Photographer: Ommer, Uwe 1984 Women can be strong, dynamic and unconsciously beautiful.
Pieta Sculptor: Buonarotti, Michelangelo 1500 1500s United States Resignation in the face of tragedy.

Recognition and acceptance of a great personal loss.

Painting Art Test Dev Prehistory (pre 3500 BCE) United States
Owl and the Sparrow Director: Gauger, Stephane 2007 1991-2010 A child shows sweetness and strength and determination.

Searching for family, for soulmates.

Othello: the Moor of Venice Playwright: Shakespeare, William 1603 1600s Malevolence and horrible tragedy is unrelieved.  Evil is potent.

A great man can be gullible and controlled by an evil character.&nbsp; Or, an evil character can have potency in the world, because of the weakness of a good man.<br>

Old Man with a Young Boy Painter: Ghirlandaio, Domenico 1490 1400s United States Human companionship or family closeness is real.

Quiet familial love. (A grandfather (perhaps) gazing upon a grandson, and vice versa, in a clear moment of happy communion.)

Of Human Bondage Maugham, W. Somerset 1915 1900 - 1950 United Kingdom Life is a fearful gray spread of actions and in-actions without genuine values. We are all deformed in mind or spirit and should accept convention as demanded by those around us.

Man's life is outside his control. Conventionality is the final ideal.

Octopus Schaefer, Taf Lebel 2005 United States Playful.
Niobe Sculptor: unknown c. 200 BC Human action is beautiful.

Life is movement.

National Farmers' Bank Architect: Sullivan, Louis 1907 1900 - 1950 Being able to breath freely -- expansively, and feeling that there are no limits to what man can do.

The world is expansively, infinitely rich.

Name of Work Primary Creator 12/12/2023 Prehistory (pre 3500 BCE) Test 2 United States

Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View)

Theme value

Much Ado About Nothing Playwright: Shakespeare, William 1993 1991-2010 United States Sweetness and light and beauty are what the world is made of.
Moods to Music Blum, Robert Frederick 1895 1900s Cincinnati United States

Life is colorful and glorious.

Pure joy of movement and femininity.

Monster, The Director: Benigni, Roberto 1994 1991-2010 Just laughter and more of the same.
Merry Widow (Die Lustige Witwe) Composer: Lehar, Franz 1905 1900s Love brings gaiety and joy to life.

Love can be gay and tender, solemn and lighthearted, painful and joyous.

Mad Men Creator: Weiner, Matthew 2007 Men must sell their souls in order to live, and they are chauvinist pigs to boot. And women are sluts. Dark.