Title Creator Date Era City Country Emotional Sum (Sense of Life or emotional World View) Theme
Diana Sculptor: Saint-Gaudens, Auguste 1892 1900s New York United States Serenity in action. But not a strong world view in any case, quite placid.
Burn Notice Creator: Nix, Matt 2007 Anything can be done if you are smart and motivated enough.
Eiffel Tower Designer: Eiffel, Gustave 1889 The works of Man are thrilling.
Pirelli Calendar Diver Photographer: Ommer, Uwe 1984 Women can be strong, dynamic and unconsciously beautiful.
Rembrandt Director: Korda Alexander 1936 pre-1910 Life is hard as an independent spirit, and wealth will elude you, but you will be happy, after a fashion.
Mad Men Creator: Weiner, Matthew 2007 Men must sell their souls in order to live, and they are chauvinist pigs to boot. And women are sluts. Dark.
Staircase Group (aka Portrait of Raphaelle Peale and Titian Ramsay Peale) Painter: Peale, Charles Wilson 1795 Perceiving accurately is important and playing with the artistic medium is fun.
Blue Phoenix Painter: Koyo Omura 1921 1900s A pleasing and lush, possibly claustrophobic, world.
Day at the Beach Painter: Leyendecker, J.C. 1932 1900s Fun and cuteness.
Tell No One (aka Ne le dis à personne) Director: Canet, Guillaume 2006 1991-2010 Life is sad, and controlled by mysterious corruption.
Wisdom and Strength Painter: Veronese, Paolo 1580c 1500s Sumptuousness is good, and the human form is good.
Feast of Belshazzar Painter: Van Rijn, Rembrandt 1635c. 1600s The only way to know the sense of life or world view of the painting is through it's history, since the image is very mixed. Shows an opulent and sumptuous world, but the people are obviously distressed over something. Assuming one knows its history, you could conclude it is an exercise in depicting the dangers of the worldly pursuits and wealth.
Crane Under the Rain Ohara, Shoson 1928 1900s Life is difficult.
Enemy Below, The Director: Powell, Dick 1957 1951-1970 War is deadly and destructive for all parties.
American President Director: Reiner, Rob 1995 1991-2010 Romance is fun, funny and important.
Horse Seen from Behind Draftsman: Boscoli, Andrea 1587c 1500s Not much except perhaps stylistic -- confident, strong drafting style, and a vibrant, alive, horse.
Senso-ju Temple at Asakusa Hiroshige 1840s c 1800s Pure, simple, quiet tranquility.
Monster, The Director: Benigni, Roberto 1994 1991-2010 Just laughter and more of the same.
System of Architectural Ornament, A Designer: Sullivan, Louis Henri 1922 1900s United States The world is a place of infinite, ordered, geometric, fluid possibilities.
Flying Fish Dancers: Torvill and Dean c.1995 (verify) 1990-2009 A heightened sense that Life is fantastically unbounded by daily cares. Life is imbued with unlimited potential and ease of movement.

Life is light and fluid.

Of Human Bondage Maugham, W. Somerset 1915 1900 - 1950 United Kingdom Life is a fearful gray spread of actions and in-actions without genuine values. We are all deformed in mind or spirit and should accept convention as demanded by those around us.

Man's life is outside his control. Conventionality is the final ideal.

Brief Encounter Screenwriter: Coward, Noel 1945 1931-1950 United Kingdom Passionate love. Tragic choices.

High romance is possible. Such love is unlikely to survive.
This film manages to embrace two contradictory themes, leading to a major bittersweet outcome.